Whatever Doesn’t Kill Me
Title Sequence, IllustrationTelling podcast narrator Ed Gavaghan’s story of rejuvenation and rebirth through a dying flower petal revived with water.
I chose to use a flower petal as a metaphor for Ed’s emotional journey. My progress involved capturing the transformation through detailed shots, using color to drive the emotion. This project taught me how to convey complex concepts through different media.
- First project to convey a sequential narrative in only six frames
- Transformed my illustration style into motion design
Ed Gavaghan’s story is tragic, but his ability to live again is what makes him special. My concept tells the story of the rejuvenation and rebirth. With the help of water, a dying flower petal is revived, symbolizing the possibility of a new life. My strategy is to narrate the story through the details of the changing petal and use color to drive the emotion. The lifeless petal is a metaphor for Ed’s dying heart and the period of his loss both physically and mentally. The revival symbolizes his breakthrough and will to live again.
- Rebirth, Rejuvenation, Colorful, Hope
Color and silhouette test