Taxi Driver
Title Sequence, Riso printUsing traffic lights as a framing device to symbolize human nature's contradictions, inspired by the film Taxi Driver.
Collaboration with Claudia Fung
I used colors red, green, and yellow to represent societal constraints, true selves, and the gray areas. My progress involved developing this abstract concept and collaborating with fellow student Claudia Fung to create 3D mockups and riso prints. This project pushed me to depict stories more abstractly.
- Experimented with translating ideas through different media types
- Advanced my teamwork and collaborative skills
Travis believes he must combat New York's street crime by his own means. Despite his black-and-white view of the world, he ultimately confronts humanity's inherent contradictions. Using traffic lights as a framing device, red symbolizes societal constraints, green represents our true selves, and yellow denotes the gray area of our inner contradictions.
- State of Contradiction